
About Us

SimplReg simplifies regulatory and compliance management through expert consulting and comprehensive training programs.



At SimplReg, we specialize in regulatory and compliance management, making complex processes simple and manageable. Our end-to-end solutions cover everything from regulation, policy, and procedures to technology implementations and operational controls. We offer personalized and group training programs to ensure your team excels in the regulatory space. With a focus on leadership and proactive approaches, we help firms and individuals succeed in the regulatory landscape. Future services include automated compliance software for even greater efficiency.

Our Story

Our Story

SimplReg was founded with the mission to demystify regulatory and compliance management. We noticed that many firms struggled with the complexities of regulations, often feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. Our founders, experienced in the regulatory field, envisioned a simpler, more effective approach. By breaking down the process into inventory, map, and prioritize, we have helped countless clients achieve regulatory success. Our journey continues with a commitment to innovation, including the development of automated compliance software to further streamline processes and enhance efficiency.

Our People

Meet the team

Lorenzo Puglisi

Senior Manager

Ann Longtin


Leonardo Blodwen


Britany Nathanson

Senior Manager



Guide clients through regulatory landscapes, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Develop and deliver engaging compliance training programs.

Create cutting-edge automated compliance solutions.

Analyze regulations and provide insights to clients.

Oversee compliance projects, ensuring timely and effective implementation.

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